The fog is only
          the breathing of the earth
in the most explicit moment
          of the night;
a music soft and archaic
          comes to you
from God knows where
          by way of remembrance;
the season passes on,
          its countenance covered
with time’s fleeting veil;
          you see no progress on the road;
still, something sublime
          murmurs next to your soul
and revives forgotten melancholies;
          cautiously, within you
an emotion retreats
          and then you
resume your journey;
          you travel in deep thought
                    without words
                    without gesticulations
                    without even perceiving
what your own heart
          is admonishing;
the wind blows by
          scowling, out of tune, stubborn
always following its custom;
          the night carries a fusion
of blind paradoxes,
          but the light shines
in the darkness like a thread,
          for God’s footsteps
have not been effaced from the road.