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I always pay close attention to product messages...
the box of Mom's Best Naturals Honey Nut Toasty O's
comes with a message that the picture on the box,
the picture of the Honey Nut Toasty O's
They don't want me to think
that an individual Honey Nut Toasty O
is really as big as my fist.
I allow myself to be reassured.

The directions for my three piece espresso maker
are in Italian and English.
The English version tells me,
"You must screw it well for leaking solution."
Good warning. And it's sort of nightmarish
if you aren't careful about this one.
The leaking can be very impressive.

The label on my bottle of lotion promises a Happy Sensation.
It's almost gone now, and I realize that pinning my hopes for happiness
on a lavender scented emolient
but I just keep right on moisturizing.
It's been fairly happy lotion, I guess.
Not an elated lotion, but a pretty content lotion.