Colorado Poets Center E-Words Issue #11

Checking The Site

At our new address, www.Colorado, find out under “Announcements” what site M. D. Friedman’s “Poet Space” is moving to, a link to an interview with Jake York, news on the new Lois Beebe Hayna Writing Center at Regis, and read about the new MFA program at Western State emphasizing formal verse,

Under “Writing New”, discover the new books by David Mason, Michael Adams, M. D. Friedman, Jeffrey Spahr-Summers, Pam Uschuk, Anushka Solomon, and others, as well as who got in The Threepenny Review (Mason and Rothman) and Poetry (Videlock).

We try to keep the news current and relevant so you can check the site frequently.

Colorado Poets Websites

We promised last issue to do a story on the websites frequently checked out by Colorado poets. There were so many that it’s a work in progress and we need to be sure the sites are still up. More on this in the next issue of E-Words. Thanks for all your feedback.