Critical Commentary

“This is a poet who can write about the domestic and the cosmic, the micro and macro views of the world. But more than any such analysis indicates, they are good reading, linguistically subtle and interesting, capturing a variety of moods and subjects. They are a real joy to read. This is a voice we will certainly hear much from, and always want to hear more of . . . I should also add that that she is a fine translator from Spanish. Her presence is that of a natural teacher, helpful in workshop, critical yet encouraging.

Richard Jackson

Her critical paper on the translation process, accompanied by an excellent translation of a single poem by Mexican poet Ethel Crauze, is as thoughtful a discussion of the pitfalls and challenges of translation as I’ve ever read. More than that, however, it illuminates the character of English and Spanish very intelligently, using the character of the poem as an arena for discussion. The paper is sure of itself, fluid in its movement of thought, and a pleasure to read. Clearly Katie’s critical voice, both here and in her numerous smaller essays, has found its special authority now, which I would describe as a nice balance between the speculative and the persuasive, the personal and the intellectual.

Leslie Ullman

"Her poems were marvelous from the start -- honest, energetic, with a strong narrative voice."

Susan Mitchell